Watch a clip of the film here:
Narrated by Alison Steadman
When someone dies, it affects everyone in their family, even if they are very young.
Children under five have feelings just as strong as those of older people. Although they are unable to communicate or understand fully what is happening, they will be deeply affected by the loss of a parent, sister or brother. At the same time, those looking after them are also likely to be suffering from grief and shock.
This short animated film looks at the ways very young children respond to grief, and what the adults around them can do to help. It gives parents and carers an insight into the child's grieving process, its physical and emotional effects, and the various needs of babies, toddlers and pre-school children.
NOT TOO YOUNG TO GRIEVE shows children from a wide range of backgrounds dealing with loss. It offers practical advice to parents about how to comfort and support a bereaved child who may be experiencing anxiety, sleep difficulties, guilt, sadness, regression, withdrawal or physical illness. Stressing the importance of talking honestly and simply to children about death, it encourages communication and a supportive family environment.
The DVD pack is designed for parents, carers, nursery workers and all those working with families and bereaved children. It is suitable for viewing at home and also for training, parenting education and bereavement support.
Developed in consultation with the Childhood Bereavement Network, the University of Leicester School of Education, and COPE - The Laura Centre.
Download free training materials to be used with this film here.
NOT TOO YOUNG TO GRIEVE is also available in Spanish.