No Offence

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Once upon a time, there was a magnificent castle, the domain of a queen both wise and good. Under her guidance, the region prospered, until one day it was reported that several members of staff had disappeared in mysterious circumstances - and the queen set out to investigate...

Like its predecessor Through The Glass Ceiling, this short animated film is a fairy story with a difference: it takes as its theme the very real issue of harassment at work.

Queen Ella is a model employer, but everyone makes mistakes: perhaps she should not have appointed Lord Bluebeard to an executive position. Disguising herself as a serving maid, the queen discovers what is really happening in the organisation at canteen and office level. Her encounters with characters like Redneck the Gnome, Iron John the office supervisor, and Mr Troll the problem tenant, show that the workplace can hold unexpected dangers, especially for women and minority staff.

NO OFFENCE shows how to identify and deal with sexual and racial harassment, homophobia and other forms of unacceptable behaviour at work, providing audiences with the opportunity to discuss these sensitive topics in an impersonal and constructive way.

Whilst acknowledging the seriousness of the subject, the film is also highly entertaining. It is designed for a general audience but will be of particular value in the context of a training course, seminar or conference. It is suitable for employers and employees, adults and young people, and anyone concerned with equality at work.

A booklet containing discussion notes and resources list is supplied free with the DVD.

NO OFFENCE is also available in Greek.

This film was made with financial assistance from the European Commission.
(1996, 12 minutes, colour, DVD)